“Cu 'un fa nenti

'un sbaglia nenti.”

Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. —Sicilian saying

“Cu 'un fa nenti 'un sbaglia nenti.”

Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. —Sicilian saying





I do qualitative research to gather insights that lead to designs that are truly relevant to the users. According to the project’s phase, I use different qualitative methods and tools to: Explore and have a clear understanding of the landscape of a service/product; Analyse and generate insights which can guide the design; Test and validate assumptions that have been made along the way. Over the years, I’ve conducted field research in different cities in Europe, Latin America and Africa.


I do qualitative research to gather insights that lead to designs that are truly relevant to the users. According to the project’s phase, I use different qualitative methods and tools to: Explore and have a clear understanding of the landscape of a service/product; Analyse and generate insights which can guide the design; Test and validate assumptions that have been made along the way. Over the years, I’ve conducted field research in different cities in Europe, Latin America and Africa.


I do qualitative research to gather insights that lead to designs that are truly relevant to the users. According to the project’s phase, I use different qualitative methods and tools to: Explore and have a clear understanding of the landscape of a service/product; Analyse and generate insights which can guide the design; Test and validate assumptions that have been made along the way. Over the years, I’ve conducted field research in different cities in Europe, Latin America and Africa. 



I do service design, understanding the big picture of a service and knowing how to connect the dots between stakeholders. I help clients re-defining their digital strategy across different touch-points and I use and teach design thinking methodologies to support organisational change inside their companies. My illustration skills help me translate “conceptual stories” into tangible user journeys for the client. I’ve been shaping service strategies for clients such as APG, Barclays, Bayer, Coca Cola, Repsol or Zurich Santander.


I do service design, understanding the big picture of a service and knowing how to connect the dots between stakeholders. I help clients re-defining their digital strategy across different touch-points and I use and teach design thinking methodologies to support organisational change inside their companies. My illustration skills help me translate “conceptual stories” into tangible user journeys for the client. I’ve been shaping service strategies for clients such as APG, Barclays, Bayer, Coca Cola, Repsol or Zurich Santander.


I do service design, understanding the big picture of a service and knowing how to connect the dots between stakeholders. I help clients re-defining their digital strategy across different touch-points and I use and teach design thinking methodologies to support organisational change inside their companies. My illustration skills help me translate “conceptual stories” into tangible user journeys for the client. I’ve been shaping service strategies for clients such as APG, Barclays, Bayer, Coca Cola, Repsol or Zurich Santander.


I do interaction design, using research insights to shape concepts and create digital products across a variety of devices and platforms. I define the UI architecture, I create flow maps and wireframes and, in doing that, I always try to bring together user needs, business goals and technical realities into the UI. I prototype, creating low to high fidelity mockups, to test as soon as possible the design solutions. I also have good visual skills that help shape beautifully the product. I’ve designed digital products for clients such as Barclays, Endesa (Enel), Mango or Telefónica.


I do interaction design, using research insights to shape concepts and create digital products across a variety of devices and platforms. I define the UI architecture, I create flow maps and wireframes and, in doing that, I always try to bring together user needs, business goals and technical realities into the UI. I prototype, creating low to high fidelity mockups, to test as soon as possible the design solutions. I also have good visual skills that help shape beautifully the product. I’ve designed digital products for clients such as Barclays, Endesa (Enel), Mango or Telefónica.


I do interaction design, using research insights to shape concepts and create digital products across a variety of devices and platforms. I define the UI architecture, I create flow maps and wireframes and, in doing that, I always try to bring together user needs, business goals and technical realities into the UI. I prototype, creating low to high fidelity mockups, to test as soon as possible the design solutions. I also have good visual skills that help shape beautifully the product. I’ve designed digital products for clients such as Barclays, Endesa (Enel), Mango or Telefónica.